
[T] Bass Ackwards

You were under-appreciated.
Really, you were.
I treated you like garbage.

You resented me for a long time. It scared me a little. I know I hurt you, and I didn't want to do that.

For some reason though, you were so forgiving. After everything.
I appreciate that a lot. I appreciate you.

You have all the right to resent me forever. And you don't.
You deserve to hate me (not only you, many others as well). But you don't.

I find it amazing how you're above all of that, considering I probably hurt you more than I have other people... and yet, someone can hold a few words over my head. Words that they asked to hear.

If you want to hate me, I will give you a real reason. Stop playing childish games and grow up. Say what you want about me and I'd totally respect it. As long as it comes straight from your mouth and into my ears. This hearsay bullshit isn't even funny anymore, it's just cowardly.

If you THINK you heard something from me, why don't you ask me?

Oh, wait. But why do that? That makes far too much sense.

Wanna know what I think? No? Good. You're probably better off that way. I really don't want to wipe your tears off my shoes.